Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Media theory refers to the complex of social-political-philosophical principles which organize ideas about the relationship between media and society. Within this is a type of theory called "normative theory", which is concerned with what the media ought to be doing in society rather than what they actually do. There are four theories of the Press/Media namely Authoritarian, Libertarian, Social Responsibility and Soviet Media theory. 

In my opinion, social medias such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram falls under the Libertarian theory because under this theory, people are more enough to find and judge good ideas from bad which means they have the freedom. Libertarianism is free from any authority or any control or censorship. Social medias here in our country are not controlled by the government. People seem to be free to post anything they like, for example, their thoughts or views on politics, fake news, posting hateful words to someone and even bullying them. They don't mind if they cause harm to others. People think that they have the right to say anything which is not applicable under the Authoritarian or Soviet theory. Social media is not under these theories nowadays in our country because under these theories, all forms of communication are under the control of the government or authorities.