Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Performance Activity #2 (2nd Quarter) Intellectual Property Code


1. How can the intellectual property protect the rights of investors, scientist and artist?
2. What acts are considered as a violations of the Intellectual Property Code?
3. What agencies are in-charge of implementing the Intellectual Property Code?


1. The intellectual property protects the rights of investors, scientists and artist by providing the owner protection against unauthorized use of their creative works, recopying, redistribution and reproduction.

2. The ff are acts that are considered as a violations of the intellectual property code.

* Downloading TV series, movies and musics illegally
* Plagiarism
* Copying a Logo of a famous brand
* Photocopying a whole book
* Buying fake goods

3. The Intellectual Property office is a government agency in charge of registration of intellectual property and conflict resolution of intellectual property rights in the philippines.

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