Friday, February 2, 2018

P.ACT#1 (2nd quarter)- Reflection Paper about Episode "National Anthem" in Black Mirror

Performance Activity #1

1. How do you feel and what do you think about the film?
2. Considering everything that is at state in the same situation will you do what has the prime minister did?
3. After watching the film what is your opinion in the current state of the technology and internet in general?


1. I was speechless and I feel so sad for him. he did that thing to save the princess even if it will degrade his dignity.

2. For me, i think i will do the same for the sake of my family and the princess. i understood why he did that. i would do anything for my love ones even if it will harm my reputation or my dignity.

3. Technology can help us in many ways but sometimes it has a negative effect depending on how we use it. if you use it properly, it will be an advantage to you, but if you use it the other way, it will do no good.

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